Today we are going to be spring cleaning in the bathrooms. When you think of spring cleaning you probably don’t think about the bathrooms, but there is so much to be done in there! My regular bathroom routine includes cleaning the toilets, sinks, countertops, tub/shower, mirrors and floors but there are lots of other things that should be cleaned at least once a year, if not twice.
Here is a checklist to help you remember all the things there are to Spring Clean in the bathroom.
For a printable version click HERE.
#1 Dusting
You probably dust your bathroom regularly but today we are going to be dusting all those places we don’t normally think to dust, like the ceiling. Throughout any given day there are tons of dust bunnies floating around your bathroom from the tissues, toilet paper, towels, blow drying your hair etc., and all that dust can really add up. So grab a microfiber cloth, or a lambs wool duster, and dust everything from top to bottom. It’s important to start at the top because you don’t want to dust the “bottom” of the bathroom and then have dust from the ceiling falling down on it!
One area I always forget to dust, which is why it’s on my Spring Cleaning checklist, is around the top of the shower. How it gets so grody up there, I have no idea, but it definitely needs to be cleaned!
Here’s how dirty the top of mine was, and I just cleaned it about 6 months ago!
#2 Wipe Down
Once the bathroom has been dusted it’s time to wipe everything down. Fill the sink, or a bucket with warm water and your favorite mild cleaner, dip your microfiber cloth in it and then start wiping down everything in the bathroom. Again, work from top to bottom, starting with the ceiling (if just dusting it wasn’t enough), working down to the walls, and then the baseboards.
Make sure you clean the area around the toilet paper holder, really well. Most toilet papers these days are super soft and have soft fibers/dust that come off of them when you roll out the TP. I know it sounds crazy, but if you wipe the wall around your TP holder you might be shocked at the amount of white “fluff” clinging to your wall! Mine has lots of “fluff” and I just washed this wall about a month ago!
#3 Wash
Now it’s time to do some washing. Wash the windows in the bathroom, the shower curtain, liner, etc. For tips on washing windows click HERE and for tips on washing shower liners click HERE.
This is also a good time to clean and reseal the grout around your tile. If you deep clean and seal your grout every six months then it will be easy to clean the shower in between deep cleanings, this will save you time and money. For a full tutorial of how to clean and reseal grout click HERE.
An area I want to focus on is washing around the toilet. I’m going to be honest and tell you that the area round the toilet makes my skin crawl because of all the over-spray from men standing up and peeing. If you don’t clean around the toilet on a regular basis this is a MUST ADD to your spring cleaning list.
First use a sanitizing wipe to wipe all the walls and baseboard around the toilet area. Then use another sanitizing wipe to scrub the baseboards. Once you are done with the baseboards use another wipe to clean all the caulking all around the base of the toilet. If you find that your bathroom still stinks, even after scrubbing everything down, you can try this trick for “How to get rid of that ‘Boy Bathroom’ Smell“.
#4 Clean out and Organize
I don’t really think about what is in my bathroom cupboard that often because I typically use the same things, on a day to day basis. But once a year it’s important to take everything out of the cupboards and clean them. While everything is out of the cupboards, take time to check your products, to make sure nothing has expired and toss out anything that doesn’t get used anymore.
When putting your products back organize them so the ones you use more frequently are easy to access and the things you don’t use that often are stored toward the back. If you are like me, and have limited cabinet space, I also recommend purchasing stackable baskets, like the green ones I have, from Target (shown below).
Here’s a look at my before.
And here’s the after. Not a huge difference but I got rid of a bunch of products I haven’t used in a long time, I put back a bunch of stuff that should have been in the medicine boxes, and I tidied up a bit.
Now do the same thing with the drawers. Start by taking everything out, including the shelf liner. I think you’ll be surprised at how much hair and toothpaste residue you find hiding in the drawers {ewww}! If you have products in your drawers make sure to check expiration dates and toss anything that has expired.
When putting items back in the drawers use small organizing containers to categorize them. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for, and if you share a drawer with your spouse, like I do, then it also nicely defines whose space is whose.
Once you are done with all these spring cleaning tasks in your bathroom, make sure to clean all the regular things too: toilet, sinks, counter, mirrors, tub/shower, floors, etc. Once you have completed all the spring cleaning tasks and the regular tasks, your bathroom will sparkle from floor to ceiling!
For more Spring Cleaning inspiration checkout these posts too:
I Dream of Clean – Organizing the Office
A Real Life Housewife - Spring Cleaning the Kitchen
Clean Mama – Organizing the Closets in 4 Easy Steps
Clean and Scentsilble – Spring Cleaning the Master Bedroom
Now for the fun part – THE GIVEAWAY!!! Here is what you can win:
* GRAND PRIZE: 1 x $1000 customized closet organizer from Easy Closets
* 1st RUNNER UP PRIZE: 1 x Pressure Washer and Window Vac from Karcher
* 2nd RUNNER UP PRIZES: 2 x Multi-purpose steam cleaner from Home Right
* 3rd RUNNER UP PRIZES: 5 x PROXI cleaning packages
That’s NINE chances to win! You can enter without actually doing the cleaning challenge, however we have given you 10 extra entries if you complete the challenge!!!
The post Spring Cleaning the Bathroom & a HUGE Giveaway!!! appeared first on Ask Anna.